Óptica Ambato

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Optica Ambato is a trusted optical service provider with a variety of eye care solutions aimed at ensuring eye safety and optimal vision for their clients. Their services include blue light protection, contact lens consultations, and a collaborative visual need assessment initiative with ZEISS.

Óptica Ambato

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Carolina Marketing Pro


Óptica Ambato


Optics and Eye Care


In collaboration with Optica Ambato, Marketing Pro has embarked on a comprehensive journey to enhance brand recognition and customer engagement. This collaboration commenced with a thorough review of Optica Ambato's visual brand identity, ensuring alignment with its core values of eye safety and premium service delivery.

To broaden customer outreach, proficient social media management was employed, fostering a robust online community. The Digital Content Marketing strategy ensured the dissemination of informative and engaging content, educating the audience on eye care essentials.

Lastly, the implementation of marketing automation has streamlined Optica Ambato's operations, facilitating a smoother customer journey from awareness to service acquisition, embodying a synergy aimed at promoting eye health and quality service delivery.


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